Thursday, August 08, 2024

The Green New Deal : What's Best For You! The Climate Change Fraud!

 Like most everything that's run out for the lower classes to obey from government agencies, the climate change fraudulent scheme it's what they believe is best and if you have any doubts about that, the FBI will soon be at your door to change your mind.

The Covid fraud was just a trail run to see how effective a total and permanent agenda was to keep people from moving around without permission from authorities. It is after all about control of all movement of the population.

Demanding that people must have permission to go anywhere away from their homes, other than to work is the main foundational agenda of ''the green new deal'', climate change, when the fossil fuels are eliminated over the next 10 years. All options for independent living will be eliminated.

As the saying goes, once you take the knee a few times, it's gets easier!

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