Sunday, August 25, 2024

Is Kamomala Ready to Lead!? : democracy Will Die In Darkness!

 The first effort to eliminate the competition won't be the last for the Marxist liberated democraaats who live by the agenda and ideology of ''by any means necessary'', and they mean by any means that are required to get the job done.

Most Americans can't comprehend the fact that the Marxist democraaats are not using the same play book as Republicans where the rule of law is paramount. The democraaats have no rules or laws that guide them in their pursuit of getting and keeping power. The rule of law is for losers!

It's all about winning, no matter how because if you are at the levers of power, everyone else has to do what you tell them to do or they are arrested for blaspheme.

The contrast is incredible. Donad Trump has a history of
success in providing a path for everyone to be better
then they were before, whether in business or his 4 years
as President the United States.

 whereas Kamomala has a history of failure to establish
 a legacy of service to the betterment of the greater
society. All of her years in California and then as
vice president; Where's the success?

She was always living on the dark side
of all things revenant for success. Morally
or ethically!

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