Monday, August 05, 2024

We're Saving Democracy, Stupid!! : Damit, They Missed!!

 It's called ''PROJECTION!'' No matter how corrupt and criminal their actions, it's always about what others are doing to destroy democracy when in reality it's what they are actually doing. 

And it always works to define their narrative, 'Republican are evil and want to take our freedom away leaving America an empty shell of crime and pestilence.'  hmmmmm!

I don't think that's going to work as well this time as it did in 2020. But then too much of a bad thing is not working even for a lot of democraaat voters. They can't help but see the damage they have caused because it is affecting them directly where they live. That really is hard to cover up!

But hey, never mind all that stuff about what's right and what's wrong even in democraaat politics where it always about 'by any means necessary to win, and they mean anything!! If it means the country will be destroyed by their efforts, so be it! They will always have their back-up plan to survive.

''If the country is destroyed, they will relish feeding on the dead carcass''!!

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