Saturday, August 03, 2024

Joe Kicked to The Curb! : Kammala Rises From The Ash Heap!

democraaats making their mark for truth, justice and the American way!!s Always vote democraaat! That is, show the world you are incapable of doing anything else even when you know it's insane!!

Kammala's rise from the ash heap of history tells the story of who she is and always has been from her start in San Fransico and her paramour Willy Brown the Mayor who explained what it would take for her to succeed in democraaat politics.

Kammala understood what it would take to make it happen!! History tells truth to power!!

Kammala takes control! Now the problem is who does
she see that needs some grease to do her bidding. Willy
is a none player now. What does she have to do make
things happen.

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