Thursday, March 07, 2024

Seen and Unseen : Coming To Grips With Whatz Real?

It does seem unreal for someone using a payphone even if it appears like the mythical BigFoot that roams mostly unseen in the deep woods. That he (It!) would come into civilization to use the phone means what we believe to be real these days is actually false!

Yeah, it's just a caricature here, a depiction of things that have become more or less important depending on our immediate circumstances we face in our mostly civil society. Generation Z I believe is not probably educated to do their duty to make sure the next generation can carry on the most basic necessities for preservation of the Amirian dream, life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!

From what I've seen and heard coming from the smartest people in the room, it apereas their grip on what could happen to our civil society, and will if we fail to open our eyes, lift our heads and look around to what is taking place in real time, when all of our creature comforts slip away leaving only darkness of hope and spirit.

They have not learned from the history of past great civilizations that have failed to deliver what seemed unending opulence for the good life.

Arnold Toynbee said, ''If one does an autopsy of great cavillations in our past, they all committed suicide!'' 

Basically, they have been blinded by the light!

How crazy is this?

He's giving up hiding from the coming failure of humanity
to save itself!! You can run and hide just so longer as there
is a reason to do so!

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