Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Myopic Community of Voters : Blinded By The Light!

The perfect defemination of a typical democraaat operative and many voters who seek to establish their bonafide's in the Myopic community.

This of course leaves the majority of similar people wandering aimlessly, wondering why so much of their life has become confused and conflicted from the way it was just 4 years ago. Everything was good and going in the right direction.

Now global wars everywhere, inflation crushing the economy and rampant crime in the streets. No one is safe anymore. What is the truth? Does anyone know?

(We know one guy that does, and he has the credentials to prove it!! And he's ''been there and done that!'' once already!! Guess who?)

How come democraaats are so bewildered by the current events? is it the newly liberated democraaat has no clue as to why he lives in a dumpster behind Walmart! The perfect democraaat voter!



    • lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight:
      "the government still has a myopic attitude to public spending" .

 2  .   Easily distracted and therefore duped!

Blinded by the light!!

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