Thursday, March 28, 2024

The GREEN NEW DEAL! : No! Just The Same Climate Screw Deal!!

Perhaps this election cycle will prove to be the most stressful in American history for people with common sense as their basis for existence.

The Marxist liberated democraaat's fear of Donald Trump taking power in November to shut down the swamp of corruption, that is taking power away from the communists, is driving them even crazier than usual.

The green new deal is and always has been a corrupt money laundering operation for funding the Marxist democraaat's drive to stay in power. It is total nonsense! No foundation of truth, none! And yet here they come crying wolf again the world will end this summer if the people down fork over $billions in tax dollars to save us all! (From Republicans!)

Again, losing the power to steal and destroy everything in their path for maintaining their hold on the power for control of everything is their life's blood. Without that power they are nothing. Empty suits. 

They have no agenda other than hate for the people, the tax payers, the smelly little people, no issues to make Ameria great again, no fundamental basic policies for prosperity and best of all, no future accolades for those straggling just to live a life they once had just a few years ago.

How come? The green climate change fraud will do nothing except drain the treasury even further and  those  who will drive us all into oblivion even richer!

But why do so many still believe it's real? There is a huge
amount of information that proves beyond any doubt
that the democraaats are lying! And yet the dups
willingly lineup to be robbed blind!

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