Thursday, March 21, 2024

democraaat Experts Agree!! : The People ARE The Problem!

 Little wonder why the Marxist liberated democraaats are pushing gun control with such urgency now as they fear the coming election will slow their agenda if America is Made Great Againe. The democraaats want to make Barrrack's ''fundamental change'' he wants for America a reality. All power must be centralized.

He knows he's close to getting his wish. He and his friends in the collective are fearful as well ol' Joe might not make to the end in time to subvert the will of the people to their wishes even with extra strings attached, even some attached to his brain to make him perform like they want.

Still, what has to scare the rest of us to distraction is that a puppet like old Joe, a stumbling mumbling, drooling, mostly brain dead, yet a walking and jerking cadaver, like the TV show, the ''Walking Dead'' can win the election in November.

The democraaat voters say they will vote for Joe because Trump is so much worse! 

Maybe you can't blame the deomocraaat voter as they have been subjected to the notion democraaats are now and always have been the only option in elections. The good soldier understands their duty!

But their vote only gets them more and more failure as a result. 

But when success comes along because they ''lost'' an election, they can't recognize success when it occurs and therefore angry and despondent ready to head back into the streets to burn and loot those who voted for success!!

Sounds more than reasonable to explain why democraaats vote the way they do.!

Ever wonder why democraaats are Marxists?

They hate the people as democraaats know they are only
 tools to be used as needed to remain in power.
They, the people actually believe they have rights by law.
Fools on parade!!

And the truth remains to be seen and understand 
to save the day! It's who they are!

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