Sunday, March 24, 2024

Senile Agitation from Demented Brain Failure! : The Cure - Vote Joe Out!!!

 After two brain surgeries, it makes sense that Joe will have major cognitive problems showing up as befuddled and unaware of where he is or why his where he is,

But this isn't new for Joe. He always did and said things showing he as not controlling in public forums! This is much like he has his whole life. His staff says behind closed door he is just like we believe his is, a cranky mean old man running on empty!

It's only now that he's much worst showing out in the open his ugly head for all of us and the world to see!The Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians and any other criminal state that wants to destroy us!

The cure is to vote the bastard out of office along with every other democraaat at all levels of government. If we fail in this task, don't blame the politicians, look in the mirror and weep for our country!!!!

Will lying about Joe's mental and ideological problems
make him better?

Why continue to say Joe is just being Joe when we 
all witnessed his failure to perform as advertised for
the last 50 years, it's that he is a lot worse now!

Just what we need to govern our country that he 
has driven us into the ditch of destruction!

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