Friday, March 15, 2024

Is it All Just Show Business? : All Are Acting Out Their Egos!!??

 We all want to be someone famous so we can be on center stage and recognized by the little people who clammer to get close to real fame? How cool is that?

But reality is much different than that, so we use make up and written scripts that explain how being famous is just a matter of changing your appearance and saying things you know nothing about to make the change complete.

And even though the little people know you're not really talented but just a make-believe person, they still dream of being on that stage for all to see and say profound things. It's America where you have opportunity to be what and who you want to be. right?

Being who you really are is just too boring!

As crazy as this is, they are able to make the majority of
good people to do and say dumb things to confirm the
actor's new identity. How Come

The next question is how do .0006% of the population 
force the rest of the ordinary people to do their bidding?

I think this is a legitimate question!

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