Friday, March 29, 2024

Justic? Justice? : ''We Don't No Stinkin' Justice!''

''Blazing Saddles'' is forever the best movie to illustrate those in power who will do whatever is necessary to keep power!! Great movie!!

But we all know ''Justic is blind'', right?! The very thought of having a justice system that treats everyone the same is ludicrous for Marxist democraaats who currently understand how the system really works for them but no one else! There very lives depend on it!!

When the democraaats are at the levers of power, the judges, prosecutors and juries, what can't they do to control all outcomes? What could go wrong?

''Yeah, we know this isn't right being prosecuted for a crime with no victim and no loss is bad. But they will never allow this to continue.'' Who the hell is THEY?

For the most part, this is understood by many as criminal, but so many as well don't find this objectionable. Why not? Are they sleepwalking through life just hoping for the best? 

Hey, I have my phone, it still works so what's the beef?

A fraud so huge and so dangerous that this might
be the tuning point to end the nightmare of Marxist
control of justice? nah!!

The ultimate criminals are in charge!

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