Tuesday, March 19, 2024

democraaats Runnin' On Empty!! : Only Hate and disgusts for Joe And Themselves!

I wonder why Ol' Joe is never fact checked? hmmmm Well, if observers of the real Joe really want to find out who he is, where the rubber meets the road, it quickly becomes clear, Joe is totally transparent.

He's not really there, here or anywhere! He readily admits he's next door!

That is, there's nothing to see! Only a shadow, a figment of someone's imagination, a ghost of fantasies past, a mannikin collecting dust, a lifelong government employee phantom lurking from the shadows, a specter moving in and out of a fog, a puppet manufactured by people that hate him because Joe is so easily made to dance, Joe is the life of the party because he shows up drunk but never drank a drop!

But again, pay no attention to any of this as Joe Biiyden's handlers are concerned the voters will have to make a choice this November which they have never done before, it's always been automatic voting democraaat! Trey may even look in the mirror and find they don't recognize that image anymore, there's some one new and even interesting looking back!!

Yikes! It's a new day and a chance to do something new and rewarding!! ''Goodness, who are you and where have I been all this time?''

So now they are awake thinking, heaven forbid, do they want to live a life in poverty and chaos or step out of the dumpster where they have been forced to live and vote for what even they can see is a better way to live, free from the tyranny of those the wish to more harm than good!

democraaats voting for someone who's promising good times are coming back, again!

Joe handlers are no fools, they know Joe has nothing to offer and
worse the democraaat socialist collective has nothing to offer 
either to convince the public as an alternative for the success of
Donald Trump's ''Been There and Done That!!''

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