Sunday, March 17, 2024

What Actually Happened! : The Corruption of Legacy Power!!

As we again can witness the results of those in power to bring the country to it's collective knees. The chance we had to make a lasting change to once and for all bring sanity back to our leadership was when we actually elected Doanld Trump, which he then delivered the freedom to choose our own destinies for all to see and enjoy!


But it didn't last long as the corruption is huge at all levels of government. Everyone in every department of government believes it's their right to power and no one can or will be allowed take it away from them.

 The Constitution be dammed!

But we do have another chance and maybe our last chance to save the country from these monsters of destruction, greed and power, we an reelect Doanld Trump! Failing this will mean our families will find life vastly deferent then what we knew with the freedom to choose!

We will rue the day if we failed in our duty to ourselves and our families, let alone generations into the future for our inability to do what we know is right, reelect Donald Trump!!

The very face of power out of control! A legacy of corruption!

And who suffers the most when government demonstrates
how they love the people!

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