Monday, March 18, 2024

Biiyden Sees No Evil! : State of The Union!

 Old Joe is on the best glide path that anyone could possibly dream of having in their last years of consciousness! No matter what he says or does, it doesn't matter as long as he can exit the stage without falling down. democraaat voters say that's good enough for them.

After the State of the Union speech, the reviews were mixed. Some said it was akin to what FDR's speech to the nation on the radio announcing we had been attacked and that America was declaring, ''we are in state war with Japan''. Others said it was magnificently Biiyden best. Many more said it was his best ever!

Still others thought Biiyden's speech was written by a Chinese communist party member and delivered by a brain-dead lunatic. How come there is so much difference of opinion?

(And this is the best the Marxist liberated democraaats have to offer? Vote democraaat!) 

Never wind any of that, vote for Joe as millions of citizens are ready to be told why, when and where to shit! For them it's just easier than having to decipher complex decisions on their own.

Joe's final remarks to the well-wishers was like nonother in 
history, telling the partisan crowd where America is and where 
America is going, " @#$@#%^#$#%^$^%^!!! ah, what am I
doing here? Never mind! Where's Jill? I have ta shit!!''

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