Monday, March 11, 2024

And Rome Burned!! : While The Fiddler Licked His Cone!!!

 Good morning! And what a pleasant day it is in our great country! Especially after finding out what's going on in our government last Thursday night, the feeling of security is much better!

The question that still remains, why would anyone willingly and knowingly vote for people that wish to place you in a gulag or a shadow grave for believing you are a free individual??

But millions will line up to do just that!!! Guaranteed!

Everyone castigates the German public or the Italian population, or polish people or millions of others that knew what was going on but did nothing. What where they supposed to do against the machine?

Still, they stood by while the trains rolled on loaded to capacity, where the passengers were eliminated from existence.

Pay no attention to any of that as it was just history and this is America, land of free and home of the brave. Hey, I have things to do and places to go. I don't know anything about thousands of people being rounded up, arrested, jailed for thinking and saying something that they believed to be true.

Don't bug me with things that have nothing to do with me!!

Who cares! The ice cream is great! Always vote for
people who care for you!!

And so the show must go on as the crowd seems to be
distracted and distant by the leader's inability to carry
his end of the bargain has diminished!!

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