Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Civil Society Is No Longer Civil? : Marxism - Keep The Children Obedient!

In reality it's where control ultimately begins. What the children are taught from the earlies learning phases that will change society from civil to uncivil. Where the few control the many!

This has been done throughout history and the results have always been horrific. But the desire to have that absolute power over others for control is forever burning in the hearts of humanity. Every generation believes they have the answer to make it work to their advantage where others have failed. 

They say they understand the mistakes others made and they are totally convinced they know how to make the corrections to ensure their success.

But it never works out as the system is ultimately fraud from the beginning. The people are never that easy to herd into a corner while the baren burns, they are smarter than that as they eventually find a way to escape the killers and spoilers.

But they also know the cost is horrendous in lost lives. 100's of millions have gone the way of the smartest and brightest in the room, lost for all eternity.

Sadly, again, many among us are unaware of the danger of inaction to save ourselves; ''Delaying responsible action is just hoping for the best but dreading the worst''!

''When confronted with insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyzed by it!''

From the earlies time in education now, the only option for
children in their accumulative education is obedience
to the new norm!

''When ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise''! Hey, it's just esaier
to accept the nonsense then be ridiculed for using common sense!

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