Friday, March 15, 2024

And Now You Know The Rest of The Story! : Thanks for Watching The ''news''!

 To say the people that watch CNN, MSNBC and for most part, the ''lettered'' channels for news, are not like the majority of people that live and work in the real world.

Sure, the debate rages on between the real world and the fantasy world on TV. But in the real world all that's necessary to prove a point as to what is real and what is not is to just step outside and walk down virtually any main street in any large city and then if you aren't robbed and killed, then maybe the other side in the debate might have a valid point! Nothing to see here!

nah!! The communist never have valid point!!!

But it's not just us but the next generations to
follow who will have no idea who they are
and what went before them. Marxist liberated
democraaats abhor history that will prove them
monsters of destruction!

You know, I hope, what happens when you
ignore history!

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