Thursday, March 21, 2024

What Ameria Was And Can Be Again : Never Vote democraaat Again!!

Just take a minute to understand what is at stake here this November when two people are in contentions to lead the country. We have only two options1

One (1), we can vote for what went on in 2020 when the last presidential (election?) was held, the summer of love, where we had more wars of destruction at home, more cities buried to the ground, more murders in the streets and thousands of police injured along with more the 2 $billion dollars of taxpayers money in damages!

And what do we have now, wars abroad, murders in the streets, an invasion of killers at the southern border, and an economy headed into the ditch of failure.

Or (2), we can vote for someone who will end the nightmare like he did 4 years ago of corruption, bringing the people back as the most important commodity we have to make America great again!!

Come on man, no joke!! He is one of us for God's sake!!

Goodness people, this isn't rocket science!! Why do you think the brokers are pushing gold like they are?!

And what is more important to the nation
then this??? Who the hell are we that we
would voluntarily vote to make fear the 
new normal???

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