Friday, June 19, 2020

Why Do We In A Free Nation Obey A Lie : We know Better Instinctively!!

The truth will always have an impact on those that demand the lie as a means for control! And the Wuhan things is one of the biggest lies of all and therefore it is the most effective in convincing people to obey.

There is no corona virus  pandemic, the corona virus, covid 19 is a flu virus and it dies in the heat of summer and then comes back in the fall. The flu has done this for decades, generations but life goes on for most of the citizens of our civil society.

Sadly, some of the weakest among us succumb to the flu every year, by the 10's of thousands, but we morn the lose and then go on breathing and living in the day as usual. The shut down, the masks, the distancing are tools of fear for control. 

Why do we listen to a 36 year career government bureaucrat at the NIH for direction to save our country from a manufactured corona flu pandemic, No data and no confirmations. His history for nearly everything over those 36 years has been compromised with his most important aspect of being a bureaucrat, self preservation.

Common sense tells us these tools of fear will make no difference in the outcome as to who survives and who doesn't. Living in a fear that others tell us exists is no way to live. And the worst part of all, and we know it and it grinds on our very souls in a free nation, is having others tell what is true but know instinctively it's a lie.

Yet we obey!

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