Thursday, June 11, 2020

Questions For BLM To Answer Now! : Who Are You and What Do Want?(Video)

Questions that need to answered by those that wish to destroy the country, especially by ''Black Lives Matter'' using the tragic murder of one George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota to steal property that they demand is their by birth. Looting property, stealing businesses and lives as though they have a right to other peoples lives and fortunes.

And who loses the most? Of course, the black population itself who was seeing good employment and many black owned businesses that were looted and destroyed!

In reality, the murder of Floyd was just an excuse to rampage through cities to take power from those that cannot defend themselves and then demonize those who criticize them or actually kill them for their effort under their Constitutional right to do so.

Now the last question to answer is how long will the general public stand by and watch domestic terrorist destory the country before the act to stop the destruction? At that point in time we all lose everything.

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