Thursday, June 11, 2020

What's That Sound, Thunder? : Trump's Pump Draining The Swamp!

What's that sound? Stop looking around! It's the roar of the over-flowed swamp being pumped back into the sewage system where it belongs. 

And the longer the pump has to run the louder it will get having to digest the corruption flowing through it like to mentions just a few;  the Mueller report, Ukraine quid pro quo, killer wasps, Russian interference in elections, fake Steele dossier', impeachment, climate change, the Wuhan(Fauci hoax pandemic), and more and more fake news attacks on Trump and his administration.

And know this, once the pump gets to the bottom of the cesspool of bad actors, the harder they will try and save themselves and the worse their actions will become. 

Perhaps the worst of all is the denigration of the death of George Floyd where mobs looted and destroyed city blocks, stealing everything they can in the process, killing many people including a police offers and several store owners who were trying to defend their businesses from destruction. 

Also believe the worst is yet to come the closer we get to November 3rd. Worse then the looting and burning of 22 ''blue'' cities?

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