Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Song That Explains The Wuhan Fruad! : "The Nowhere Man"(Video)

This is great! Love It! The Wuhan thing, the fraud is the "No Where" virus! It's just a corona flu virus for God's sake! There are 5 other flu viruses, Mers, Sars, H1N1, Swine flu and now Wuhan. And It's not coming back, as a surge in cases, but it never really left or for the most part was never here in pandemic form. 
According to the CDC, how come 400,000+ were hospitalized in 2018 / 2019, 60- 80 thousands died and more then 50 million infected and no one cared? How come? Just another flu season?
How may people that you know are sick from anything at all this summer? It's just that now people are beginning to understand the calamity of what the preparators started but aren't buying the premise of being controlled by the fear of death. So here we go for the next round of fear hysterics! Now there's a surge in cases as people regain their freedom of movement, but never knew they had anything wrong!(They're called A Systematic)
The Pandemic model predictions was a game played by experts. The millions dying, then 100's of thousands, then maybe 60 thousand. It never happened or the thousands hospitalized. Not even in New York City!!! It never happened!
A summer cold we called it but really they are rare in active people. hmmmm - But now, ''oh no, it's the "virus"! Run for cover, we're all going to die!'' It's a game they're running on us and the worst part of all, most everyone is buying the hoax. 
And why is it that we get the body count of the dead( The CDC has no idea what's real or managed) but never the count on how many are hospitalized? Shouldn't you be in the hospital before you die? Maybe you dropped over in the street? Or maybe it was the death on the highway from the car crash?(Oops, covid!)
Ask this question, what situation can exist that will allow everyone to take off the masks and believe they are safe to begin life again? Who will have the moral authority to say it's okay? The ''good doctor'' Fauci? The 36 year career government bureaucrat that started this mess in the first place after taking the 3 am phone call suggesting he, as a good bureaucrat should never allow a crisis go to waste?
Is the Wuhan thing real? Sure, but so are the other 6 corona viruses that are currently in our community.
Sorry for the rant but this really pisses me off. There is so much more to discuss on data, facts and nonsense pronouncements. The CDC and the NIH(Run by Fauci) are bastions of liberal government bureaucrats. And what's the most important aspect of existence of any government bureaucrat is self preservation!
It was frustration and the anger that I have to obey rules and regulations that common sense said were wrong, a lie! I hate having a game run on me by people that want to control me! I won't allow it to happen!!


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