Thursday, June 25, 2020

The democraaat Marxist Collective Continues The Attack : Ol' Joe The Front Runner! Where Is Joe?

And if you can believe it, millions are ready and willing to vote for this guy. Is this what has become of our country and the formally democrat party, now the progressive socialist Marxist collective? People voting for an illusion, a wisp of smoke, and ideology of hate and destruction. The front runner for the collective, a doddering escapee from 50 years of progressive party politics? 

Why would anyone with any sense of pride in our country vote for this man or his handlers??

Exactly how will that help our country after what they have done to destory it with their attacks of ANTIFA and BLM mobs of looting and burning, the false narrative of the Wuhan flu lock downs nearly destroying the economy and now the false data of new surges of the Wuhan thing making a come back.

It's a continuing attack on our civil society as the November election looms large.

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