Wednesday, June 10, 2020

democraaats Have A History : They Can Run But Can't Hide!

History will always come back to haunt you especially if it has a dark side that implicates you as a member of a killing organization that targeted black people as a monster. Still, if you are a progressive socialist liberal democraaat, it doesn't matter how cruel, disgusting, irrational or having criminal behavior, you get a pass. The murder of 1000's of black people over the decades was okay, it accomplished a goal, an agenda and an ideology.

And now what has changed?  It's still seen as okay by the millions of people. We'll vote for you no matter what your past behavior was then or now. The agenda and ideology is the same.

Yeah, we saw you on TV looting, stealing other peoples efforts to gain prosperity by hard work, and even killing a few shop owners and police officers. But never mind all that, you say every one else is a racist if we deny they have a right to destory civil society to avenge the death of a black man in police custudy.

Sure, we know, 100's die, are murdered and 1000's shot every month in Chicago or Baltimore or other cities where the progressive socialist democraaats have control, and have been for decades, generations. 

Again, never mind that, there's nothing to be gained with stopping the slaughter of blacks in black neighborhoods by other blacks, we only are concerned with the murder of one black person on TV so we can make the most of a good crisis for  personal gain.

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