Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Mob Burning And Looting Is Okay - No Virus! : Trump's Rally - Death Is Here!

It all comes down to a perspective on an ideology that brings power for control  and one that doesn't. The criminals in the streets burning and looting by the 1000's are just fine, social distancing not necessary or wearing the mask to prevent spread of a false disease, the Wuhan thing, is gone for now. Crushing the economy is more important for political and personal gain for the criminals running the mob then people's lives and futures. 

But then let the "Big Man" rally his troops, 'Oh no! They'll spread the disease! Trump is a monster who doesn't care about human suffering and death!' And the stupid illiterates scream, ''Yeah right on! Burn baby burn"!

How come it's been so easy to dupe so many so easily? The old saying, I'm afraid in this satiation doesn't apply, "You can fool some of the people all the time, but you can't fool all the people all of time." 

Sadly the majority of the American population is just standing by waiting for someone else to fix the mess when it should be them doing the fixing by comin out into the street and doing some screaming themselves, " I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore"!

Hopefully, maybe that point in time is nearer then we at first thought.

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