Thursday, June 25, 2020

Imaginary Talking Police Dog Scares Progressives democraaats?

Yes, you are the problem and always have been, it's just now you have decided it was time to take what you believe is rightfully yours from whom ever you please and by force! It's your birthright to other people's property and civil rights.

Why is this a factor in the catastrophic events taking place in our civil society? democraaats report they are offended and freighted by certain images that are related to authority?

What is the ideology? If anyone takes a stand against our mob behavior of looting and burning of property they deem unnecessary will be destroyed. There can be no alternative.

But the progressive socialist liberal democraaats love this guy! He is a leader in the fight for total control and by any means necessasry. But worse, most of the mob democraaats have not idea who he actually is and what he did to gain power!

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