Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Progressive Willingly Self- Destructs : Blindly Racing To The Edge of Sanity!?

For the rational mind to try and comprehend the diseased mind of a progressive socialist liberal democraaat is a fools journey and seriously ill advised. There is no conclusion that one can assume or conclude that are reasonable as even experts in the workings of the human brain are for the most part baffled by how totaled the brain is immersed in hate and destruction of others and themselves. 

Why would they willingly do this is the question? They find there are no rational assumption that the experts in the psychiatrics of mental health field can use to bring clarity to such a totally debilitant mental disease.
Still, the diseased progressive socialist democraaat continues to baffle the experts as to how they are able to complete simple tasks while they are so consumed with their own small dark world that they inhabit, and yet they find ways to destory everything around them that they might use to help them become successful citizens in the larger civilized society.

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