Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"CHOPS" In Chaos : Members Killing Each Other - The New Socialist Society!

If you ever thought what the progressive socialist liberals stood for, wonder no longer. They are a collective of shameless domestic terrorists that will do anything to gain the power for control. And we are all witness to the insanity of what is happening in Seattle, this is what they intend for the entire nation.

Truly, this is the face of the new progressive socialist liberal democraaat collective. The old "party'' is gone! Outdated and ineffective for the needs of the people's collective. (Remember the old 60's slogan, "Power to the People" calling themselves Students For A Democratic Society(SDS), as the gangs of socialist student thugs rampaged in the streets?) They're back!

After three days of taking control of 6 blocks in Seattle, they are failing to deliver anything but chaos and conflict! And now one is dead and 11 injured in a gun attack inside this gulag and not with police. The police weren't immediately allowed in or emergency personal to help the wounded!

Who exactly are the people that follow these gangsters, mercenary criminals with the intent to take freedom for so many. Why would thousands march in the streets to support them? Are they illiterate?  Are they totally without a sense of right and wrong? Just no commons sense?

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