Thursday, June 25, 2020

BLM Mob Looting A Train Storage Containers(Chicago) : Who's Responsible?(Video)

One has to wonder why this is happening in our country and who is responsible? It seems simple enough to understand though who benefits the most from the destruction, chaos and conflict this mob is doing, the progressive democraaats. 

The second in command of BLM says the destruction will continue until President Trump resigns. She said BLM wants him out of office before the election in Noverfmber! BLM doesn't want to take a chance that the stupid people will reelect Trump instead of Joe Biden leaving BLM and other groups like ANTIFA out of power in the future.

Here is the ''poster child'' of Barrrack's ''fundamental change'' he wanted for America's civil society back in 2008 if he was elected. Well, here it is in all it's glory!

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