Sunday, June 14, 2020

What Does The New Country of Chaz Have To Offer? What Are The Options? Submission or Death?

Gardens? Really? They only exist as a place to bury the dead as fertilizer~! Civilization is a myth. Being civil doesn't mean living on your knees in submission to the power of others expecially at the point of a gun. 

Remember that was done back in the mid twentieth century and the result was the murder of millions of innocent souls. And later in that century, 10's of millions more were murdered for the same reason!

So which is worse, s life time of submitting or death? Americans made that decision back in 1770 and then a few years later went to war to close the deal. What will we do now the regain our independence from the progressive socialist liberal democraaats that seek the blood of a free people?

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