Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Sixth Sense Problem : Progressives See Nooses Everywhere!!

Now that they mention it, what ever happened to Jessie Smollett in Chisago? Oh wait, I guess we all know about that. It's just like the disaster in Minneapolis where the entire movement is controlled by progressive democraaats. Nothing to see here. Jessie has friends in high places.

Chicago is no different! Blacks being murdered by the 100's every month and no one cares. But then  someone has the audacity to headline the lies of a entertainer who claims Trump supporters attack him because he is black goes free.

How does that work? Is this just like the NASCAR driver, Bubba Wallace that screamed racism because he thought he saw a hangman's noose in his garage? But wait, it was a hoax, another Jussie game played on the public and the media, the fake news media, The Drive By Media was there to fan the flames.

Doesn't someone have to take some responsibility for the lies and destruction to our justice system???

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