Monday, November 28, 2016

Progressive's Regulations and Laws : We Know What's Best

What happens next? The over-reach of a centralized authority destroys everything in it's path that has anything to do with innovation, initiative and the basic human right for the freedom to chose one's own destiny.

The agenda and ideology of the progressive liberal is to control. All outcomes are decided through a one mindset authority which believes they are they best solution to any and all problems.

It's the ''Gruber theory'' for getting a proper solution to a problem. We deicide the law as the pubic is too stupid to know what's best for them.

All that is necessary to make this happen is for the population to understand, we who are in power have the best educated and brightest people in our centralized government, and the best agenda and ideology that will bring kindness and prosperity to everyone.  It's designed for implementation of heart felt regulations and laws to improve the human condition.  All that will be required of the population is they must have obedient capitulation to the new wave authority and ideology.

That make good sense, right? All they want is what's best for everyone.

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