Monday, November 28, 2016

Progressive Liberal Democrats Gear Up For War : Defeat? What? When?

It's not about hate, it's just about being a  progressive democrat.
And here is the paradox - and this is why the media loves it with such passion and an undeniable hate for any opposition to their collective narrative that burns so brightly in all their dark and vindictive souls. To believe the progressive socialists liberals will be willingly give up power to anyone is to believe we can all live together in harmony as the saying goes when the progressives win an election.

The progressive liberal has no intention of 'going quietly into the night' after a defeat. And if you have any reservations about the liberal intention, Rep. Keith Ellison is looming large as the next progressive democrats choice for their leader of the collective.

Are progressive socialist liberal democrats going to take another look at maybe their agenda and narrative was wrong headed? Not a chance! They're doubling down on what caused them be ground to dust in November.

The 'new wave' strategy is from the likes of George Soros and his money, step up the tempo. The idea now is for everyone that believes they are a progressive socialist democrat, from all walks of life, must come into the street showing their total contempt for the law, the Constitution and the larger civil society in which we live.

Are they doubling down on a losing narrative? No way. Really? So now, please explain, given the back ground of Ellison which is extensive and profound if wins control, how will the 'new wave' progressives, that he will lead, be willing to allow the Republicans and Conservatives to govern the country. They won the election. The people have spoken loud and clear. Right?

Shouldn't the progressive liberal democrats accept the results of the election like they demanded of Trump?

Would it be reasonable to believe that the same logic can be used as when Barack took office and he said when some Republicans, Paul Ryan and John McCain voiced their ideas that were in opposition to his, 'Listen, this discussion is immaterial. I won the election so that's the end of it.'

Yikes! If you have never seen a person or an entire group of sycophants implode, melting down into screaming mob of depraved and neurotically challenged creatures from some other dimension of time and space, it would happen if Trump told the leading progressive democrats that he won the election and therefore all the rest of you on that side of he aisle can pound sand.

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