Saturday, August 31, 2024

Teaching The New Dog Tricks : The Old Dog Demonstrates! (X Video0-

 The ques are all about saying the right thing at the right time. The new dog doesn't have a clue but the old dog knows exactly what to do and when!


Hemingway and Faulkner Exchange Thoughts!

Some keen observations by people that know enough to come in out of the rain but still find it in their heart to relate truths to the unwashed!

"He has never been known to use a word that might send the reader to the dictionary'' - William Faulkner  (about Ernest Hemingway)

''Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big worlds?'' Ernest Hemingway (About 


Calvin Asks Dad About Sticker Star V. Thousand Year Door! : What Is That?

 Interesting debate where each party wants to force the other to admit they have control of the discussion. But it's obvious neither does! One asks a direct question to place the other at an disadvantage because the debate is confusing and esoteric, while the other debator is using intellectual discourse to confuse and obfuscate having to answer the opponents leading question. 

Yikes! Calvin will not relent!!

Newsom Running for President Already? : He's a New and Shiney Object?

Big smile and big hair, what's not to like? I wonder though why there isn't a total uproar by the advocates for the homeless now that Governor Newsome is cleaning up the streets of all the trash that has been an eye sore for decades.

The question now is where did the homeless go? Where did Newsom put them? Where is he hiding them, and can he do this until 2029?

Is there a connection between Kamomala and Newsom? They are both embedded in the California's grand socialist agenda and ideology? Is this what's driving kamomala?

They are both California dreaming?

The homeless are being moved to make room for the 
new wave of protesters who want nothing more than to
live off the land with no worries of a catastrophic weather
 event that will end their fantasy in a flood or a heat wave
that will roast them like hot dogs.

Who and What Influences democraaat Leadership?

 It really is hard to tell just who is in charge of making decisions concerning the direction of the Marxist collective?  Some say it's Barry but he's an advocate of a religious jihad for '''fundamental change'' to and for America. 

So, who the hell is running the show in Washington? Joe? nah, he's sound asleep at the beach in Delaware where he has been for the last 4 years. 

Is it  Kamomala? hmmmmm! The socialist princess from that great state of California pulling the strings from behind the scenes to make old Joe function?

And worse maybe, with the history of the democrat party from the last century and their efforts to control the black population with the Clan, it doesn't look good or bode well for the future of the collective when social media is alive and well showing a connection to black who are not stupid and see how they have been used and abused by the democraaats.

Therefore, what's changed? The democraaat are still just democraaats?

Where Does It End? : And When Do We Start to Live Again?

 At some point in time, the population of this great country will awaken to the absurdity that is the agenda and ideology of the Marxist liberated democraaat collective that now is in control of our government and media.

Even some of the staunchest hardcore democrats are beginning to ask questions of their leadership as to their intensions concerning what direction they proposing to take the nation? They worry with 70% of the voting population indicating the nation is headed in the wrong diction makes for an unsettling feeling they we are not connecting with the general public.

And now with their candidate, Kamomala Harris, an avoided San Franciso Marxist, along with a vice president candidate, Governor Walz of Minnesota, an advocate and proponent of a leftist socialist agenda, leaves little to ease the fear of base democraaat voters they are going to lose the election because of their candidates are not even  democraaats but something worse.

Sadly, many citizens are living a bubble that they have 
constructed around themselves from outside interference and
therefore unaware there are people who want to pop that bubble
 and take what they have for themselves and that's their 
freedom to choose.

Ignorance is never a good excuse for negligence!!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Man Oh Man, A 1967 Shelby GT-500! : For The Ages!!


This just takes your breath away!

Hey, have a great holiday! Drive safe!

Communist Party Members Live Large! : Citizens Live In Poverty!

Ask anybody that says they will vote democraaat, why will you do that, they say will do that because Kamomala is a woman and Trump is mean and vengeful.

But when you follow up with which one has been successful for the nation to prosper, they stumble or refuse to answer. It's not about substance, it about emotion.

They appear to be happy living in ignorance. It's just easier for them than to have to ask substantive questions and then have to decide what's true and what's false is just too difficult.  In truth, they really don't care. They rely on their DNA to make decisions for them.

Will these be the people who decide the election?

Kamomala told us over and over again who she really is
and it's not about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!

Choose with no regret!

Terror In The Streets, Government and Big Media!! : What's Not to Like?

 And the question that still remains, where do we turn to find the truth? Kamomala understands as she sits behind a desk with for a 18-minute interview with her vice president beside her for emotional support, shows how a ''free agent'' for change in our civil society is now accepted as normal behavior.

And the reaction by the news media was predictable, they all took a knee as they slobbered all over themselves extolling her poise and brilliance as to how she answered CNN's Dana Bash's questions, which at the time she gave her the answers along with the question.

Still, she appeared confused and ignorant, stumbling and halting in her attempt to show the nation she is qualified to be president of the United States and commander and chief.

''Hey. I am qualified to be president because I am a woman, a
woman of color, and known to be
criminally corrupt, which of course makes me a good 
Marxist democraaat!!''

''Trust me, I won't lie to you!!''

How To Lose Your Soul! : You Believe Stalin Was Right!

Being a governor of a huge state like Minnesota, demonstrating on a regular basis your total lack of commons sense and moral and ethical standing and then still believe you are actually an American citizen in good standing, expecting the population to recognize your authority as legitimate, begs those looking on to deny what they hear and see as a reality.

Little wonder citizens who have a grasp on common sense are stressed trying to understand how Governor Walz can function in a civil society without the population demanding his removable!

By the way, who in the hell voted to make him governor in the first place??

He danced in the hallway to the toon of the sounds of
sirens, smelling burning tires and police buildings and
the crise of people being murdered in the streets.

But hey, pay no attention to any of that, Governor Walz
is a good and loyal democraaat in good standing!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Some People Shouldn't be Allowed to Leave Home! : Speed Boat Stupid!! (Video)

The frist thing one will ponder is why have such a big and fast boat like that on such small river and then drive it like you own the dam river!!

Kamomala Is Here To Help Fix It!! : All She Needs Is One Day!

 Kamomala has made ''Biiydenomics'' one of her important legs that she is using to support her campaign for being elected the first woman president of The United States! 

And even more importantly, she tells us she will be the first black woman to be president of the United States even though we all know she isn't black but half India Indian. Her father was Indian, but her mother is Ciscaucasia.

She is a liar! and a fraud!

Kamomala is a fraud from her very roots, a liar and a cheat, purveyor of misinformation especially about who she actually is and a liar about what and who she actually was. Her history is out in the open for all to see and understand, the consummate fraud but there for the perfect democraaat to run for president.

Remember, old Joe was a loser for his entire life but was elected and reelected over and over again as his constituents saw him for what he was, just a good old home boy making a life out of nothing.

Even Barry knew Joe was a loser and that's why he had him for a vice president. Barry knew he wanted someone easily controllable to run for president and therefore Barry would have his desired third term in office if Joe won and he did. (The Constitution says a president can only be in office for two terms.)

But as he stated in an interview once after he left office, he wanted a front man to take the slings and arrows while he, Barry would make all of the decisions that matter, especially the ones to establish Barry's religious jihad for what he wanted for America, ''fundamental change'' to America's founding!

And of course, we know how that's working out for America!!

For democraaats, It's All About Love! : But The Bus Is Not In Love!!

 The democraaats say they love old Joe but having to care him for so many years has been a lift to far and now too heavy. Strangely enough though, the question of the hour remains as to why now did Joe become an anchor around the necks of his handlers? 

Wasn't Joe doing what they told him to do for all those years in the Senate and then as vice president and now as president? He knew all that was required of him was to just be ol' Joe, the crazy and mentally ill buffoon, a laughingstock and a dancing clown for those pulling on the strings.

But all of a sudden, Joe was no longer funny but becoming more than a little scary as he stumbled around pissing his pants or dropping a load in public, he became a lot more than just an old fool. 

He was now a danger to the democraaat party and more importantly the Marxist collective where he might lose the election that would keep him and the collective in power. 

His handlers decided a change was needed! They put the trash out the door!

Old Joe was rejected as a placyer and then ejected from the from
the innersanctum of power. 

Kimmel's Guest Displays What's Lurking In The Shadows! : ''The JOKER'' Is For Real!!

Jimmy never thought he would be put into a position where even his audience found his guest frightening and disembodied, that is, she was seen as not a real person but only a mirage, an evil specter floating about unimpeded but menacingly foreboding.

Her laughter was as unsettling as when one wakens from their worst nightmare but then even worse realizing it not just a nightmare, it's for real!!

She knows where she came from and where she wants to go,
but the journey is becoming more difficult than she thought.
Many of the fools who joined her are finding reasons not
to believe!

                                                                          The Joker!

Evil is that evil does! He says one thing but makes a joke
by disarming you with his clever rhetoric and then
strikes you down to your knees while you both are laughing

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Washing Machines and Television Sets! : How Are They Alike?

With campaigns are in full flow, the ''boob tube'' rules the air ways with information that the voter can use to decide how to vote for president. At the same time, one will have ill consequences if improperly used.

But at the same time misinformation, disinformation and outright lies are rampant by those who want your vote as well people who believe in telling you what you know is the truth, but they couldn't care less who or what you are and what your needs are. They are concerned only about the power for control and if they can persuade you to vote for them do to their bidding by convening you to believe their lies and misinformation, they will win the election.

So, it will come down to how much the voter's common sense and their native intelligence will be enough to know the difference between what is real and what is fiction.

Truly, this is what will make the difference on November 5th. We as voters have to decide which is which and then vote to Make America Great Again!!

Alway stay alert to what you see and hear as there are a lot
of  people with dark interests to promote their own
personal advantages for taking power. 

''Are You Better Off Today Than 4 Years Ago?'' Ronney Reagan!

 Yes, we are better now than 4 years ago and it's because of Biiydenomics and she Bild Back Better agenda used by Joe Biiyden during his campaign for president. The public loved it and voted for him to make it happen. 

But what's the reality of Joe's plan, his agenda for prosperity?

t worked to perfection for democraaats. And how do I know this, Kamomala tells us over and over again how well Biiydenomics worked to make America a better place to live. She listed all of her accomplishment over the last 4 years when she was vi e president!

The general public roars with their approval!

The media explains to us constantly what giant of 
intellect and accomplishments she is and has to offer.

The democraaat Nominee For President Is What? : The Question That Remains Lurking!!

 Kamomala is the perfect democraaat nominee as she can demonstrate by her past history and present accomplishments, as being a total zero! She has nothing of worth to offer as reasons for the citizens to vote for her other than she's a good democraaat. Listens to reason and does what she is told!

In reality though, that should be enough for the voter to reject her as a future president as she will only be another dancing puppet just like the president we have now, that's on vacation again and asleep on the beach. 

Old Joe was on vacation more then 40% of his term as president.

So who is running the country? Why that's an easy question to answer. It the same people who were running the country for the last 4 years and if Kamomala wins in November, it will be the same ones who will run the country for the foreseeable future.

Ans who are ''They''? The deep state of unelected Marxist liberated democraaats embedded in every agency and department of our government.

Does anyone really know what the truth is and worse
how many among us cares anymore?

I sincerely care the majority does care what happens on
November 5th as it will be our last chance to make
America great again!! The individual voter is not accepted
in the communist state as regiment and therefore relevant
member tof the collective!

History Repeating Its Self? : The democraaats Have New Slaves?

 It sure appears the democraaats are still living in the past where they demanded their slaves remain slaves to do the hot sweaty work that they find abhorrent! 

The democraaat party was fully invested in keeping their slaves which led to why the civil war was fought. The South decided to separate itself from the union and establish it own nation so they could keep their slaves.

But the Republican president at the time knew that was a bad idea and therefore told the South that separation was not in the best interest of the country and the federation of states. The president told the South they will not be allowed to go their own why and if they refused to comply with the law, bad things will happen. 

And as we all know bad things did happen but not only for the South, but the entire nation became involved as the South refused to remain in the federation. More than 600,000 individuals died in the process.

Now, years later, the Marxist liberated democraaats are at it again with the immigrants that are flocking here over the open border by the 10's of millions bringing the democraaats a new opportunity for someone to do the dirty work again they won't and can't do themselves!

Nothing new under the sun. But I wonder though if they will reinstitute the Clan as well? It worked for them before so why not again now as the future president says he will send them back where they came from?

''Our plan is beneficial to all concerned. The new people having
no jobs, we figured they can earn the way by working to 
establish themselves as future citizens and then by voting
 responsibly to make our country solvent and safe again.''

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cat Is Out of The Bag! : The Charade Is Over!

 They ran and hid to keep their true identity from becoming known. They used this charade to gain advantage over others who saw them as they really were, but they were able to lie from their hiding places to cover their actual intentions of taking power from others by force if necessary.

And by force they did! With the revelations how coming out about Facebook that they censored their content to give the advantage to the Marxist democraaats in the 2020 elections. He said the FBI strongly suggested that they do this, and they did!

Mark Zuckerberg wrote a letter to Congressman Jim Jorden admitting this was true.

The new and advanced Marxist democraaats collective,
formerly the democrat party!

Now this is what we see and hear from the democraaats in
all their media sycophant outlets and their members of
their party and collective. 

The Marxists Liberated democraaats Are Desperate! : Racism Is Back!

Since they have beat ''saving democracy'' to near death and finding it doesn't have the pop it once had, they decided to resurrect racism as their new main push to show how MAGA people are monstrously racists because of their stand on the border and support for Isarael's attacking Palestine's in Gaza.

The Marxist democraaats are all about ''whatever it takes'' to win. They know who they are and a Marxist without the power to implement their agenda and ideology over all things leaves them without a life worth living!

The Voter Will Determaine The Fate of America? : Who Believes That?

A once great man of mass murder said, 'It's not the voter that counts but those that count the votes!'' And clearly that is where we are today heading down the same trail we trod back in 2020. The Marxists are convinced they have it in hand again.

The rhetoric is 24/7 from those that want to establish a state of mental and physical enslavement for the American citizens but calling it ''saving democracy''. If you vote for them but aren't showing themselves anywhere the actual citizens will have chance to see them in person to ask questions as to who they are and what they intend, they believe, the Marxists democraaats, it's enough that their speeches are sufficient from a distant and controlled venues will serve the need. And if the polls serve, they are winning the crowd!

So, if you are complaining about this, just remember if they win, complaining about the results will not be tolerated just like what happened in 2020 with those results.

And the rage of the Marxists liberated democraaats is in 
full force to convince the voters they are all about doing
everything they can to fix the problems they created over
the 4 years!

And the crowd roared with approval!!

Who Voted For Pestilence and Failure? Run-Away Crime and Poverty?

The race is on, and the people are ready to decide the direction of the country for the next several decades if not the next several generations of citizens?

Hopefully so but maybe not!

This election is pivotal for the very existence of our 250-year heritage as a freedom nation with liberty and justice for all if the vote goes the wrong way. We will be a neo-communist state just like California is right now. We see it very day on TV how it's major cities are not safe and littered with failure of all kinds for the citizens.

If you aren't scared yet, know this, millions of citizens are ready to accept the mental and physical control of others. And worse, they have no idea with it means to lose their freedom. It has never happened before. The ''magic phone'' generation is ready to take a knee!

What America will look like is easy to understand for those that want the individual freedom to choose their own destinies and not have to accept rulings from people far away who really don't care what you want. They don't know you even exist!

As I have stated here on several occasions in the pasted, when the enviable crash comes leaving a majority of the population in varying states of poverty and pestilence, they will not know why their America is no longer there to serve their needs. They will not understand how or why they are now living in a dumpster behind Wal Mart. 

It sure can't the voter's fault!

Monday, August 26, 2024

What Is A Vintage Car Worth? : 1960 250 GT SWB Ferrari California Spider!

Are you ready for the awaking so early on a Monday morning to see such a beautiful vintage car? And that someone would or could want to spend $17,055,000 to own this fantastic machine?

Hey, have a good week!

Is The General Public Ready to Make The Right Decision? : Maybe!

The question that remains is how to determine what is a woman? It all depends on what answer is accepted to be factual and therefore will determine the outcome.

Biologically simple but politically criminal.

It depends on more than agendas and ideologies.

Monkey Pox Is Coming! : So Is November!

 Just a few weeks ago, The Fau Ci said ''there are several contagious problems that are beginning to make their presence Kown which means we might have to take another look at how to ''protect'' the general public.

And if that money pox isn't enough, there are savage mosquitos rampaging in Massachusetts. It appears the mayor and the governor are strongly suggesting a lock down for public safety which might last until November when the mosquitos will have died off and the pox is longer a threat.

On never knows about this kind of thing says the experts! They say ''we can't take any chances with the most vulnerable; women, children and the elderly.

The general public will be ready to lock down again?

And now you know the rest of the story!

The Road Less Traveled! : I want to Believe, So Tell Me No Lies!

 Booker T understood from the beginning that many among us are ready and willing to accept just about anything that is told to them if it comes from a person with perceived intellectual accomplishments even if there is no way to prove such accomplishments are in fact true.

Our universities are riff with professors that fall into that category as well as most politicians and the clergy. It stands to reason, we as individuals, using our won common sense and native intelligence, must assume responsibility for making decisions that are pivotal for our own survival in the modern world of misinformation and disinformation.

Beware of those that scream the loudest and proclaim they are the smartest in the room and therefore must have the last word for the digression of any situation that has to do with the redistributing of money and power.

Beware of the Ids of November, as Mark Twain said, "A lie will reach around the world before the truth has a chance to put its paints on''!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

What Exactly is Michelle Talking About? : What Is She Giving Up??

 The first question that I have, is she proud of her country now? When she had a ''no show'' job of being the board of directors a large hospital being paid $300,000, she said she couldn't be proud of her country because she was denied her full freedom and rights because she was black. Barry was just a congressman.

She needed more from America before she could or would pronounce her loyalty to the country.

But when Barry became a United States senator, things began to turn around as the monies began to roll in, especially when the $millions from Barry's book deals were in full force to fill her bank account?

Remember when Barry became precedent
 saying to those who had a lot of money, ''How
much is enough?''

Breaking The Law IS Wrong : But If It's Government, It's Okay?

 Look no further than the FBI's protection of the Biiyden family during the 2020 election for president where they knew Hunter Biiyden's laptop was a ''turning point'' in the election for Trump but they, the FBI, sat on it for more than a year refusing to release it to the public.

The emergency was a Republican might win the election! democraaats must not allow that to happen!

And if the wasn't enough, how about the bloodless coup during the election of 2016 by democraaats staging attacks on everyone and every department of Trump admiration.  And how about the two impeachments with no foundation in facts for that tragedy of lawless criminal use of government agencies!!! 

Both were found by the courts to be with criminal intent by democraaats, especially speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and FBI directors Jame Comey and Robert Muller. But hey, who cares, they're democraaats!

But that's not all, the landscape is littered with examples where democraaats said their criminal activity to destroy a sitting president and to overthrow his government was legitimist because Donald Trump's success to save the country from default was an emergency, the democraaats had to remain in power to save democracy.

And what about the Covid emergency? Who was held accountable? The Fau Ci?  nah!!

Is Kamomala Ready to Lead!? : democracy Will Die In Darkness!

 The first effort to eliminate the competition won't be the last for the Marxist liberated democraaats who live by the agenda and ideology of ''by any means necessary'', and they mean by any means that are required to get the job done.

Most Americans can't comprehend the fact that the Marxist democraaats are not using the same play book as Republicans where the rule of law is paramount. The democraaats have no rules or laws that guide them in their pursuit of getting and keeping power. The rule of law is for losers!

It's all about winning, no matter how because if you are at the levers of power, everyone else has to do what you tell them to do or they are arrested for blaspheme.

The contrast is incredible. Donad Trump has a history of
success in providing a path for everyone to be better
then they were before, whether in business or his 4 years
as President the United States.

 whereas Kamomala has a history of failure to establish
 a legacy of service to the betterment of the greater
society. All of her years in California and then as
vice president; Where's the success?

She was always living on the dark side
of all things revenant for success. Morally
or ethically!

More Fun With Tim! : The Girls Are curious How This Works!

Tim Walz is not a real person, only cardboard caricature designed by sinister people and then dropped on an unsuspecting public. Still, millions of people that look normal voted to make him governor. This has to be comedy central, right?

Is it possible that our country is changing into something that even third world countries won't recognize? Someone turned the lights off and the people are finding living in the dark is acceptable.

America according to the Marxist liberated democraaats, life will be different but acknowledging and accepting the difference will help you adjust!!

Curious people want to know how something that is impossible
becomes possible just by demand it to be so. And if you
have any common sense and asking questions, you're 
labeled as a problem for society and punished!

A Marxist reality is not questionable, all that's
required is obedience! Take a knee and survive or take
a stand and be eliminated.

Millions and millions want to just survive!

Why is this so hard for a civil society to understand
this as a threat to its very existence!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The People That Fear Donald Trump As President : Barry, ''It's About ''Junk'' Size!''

During the DNC convention, Barry, leader of the pack, went after Trump emphasizing crowd size compared to what the Republicans generate wherever place Trumps Goes. What a hoot!

But actually, he was referring with his hand movements onstage he was actually comparing his ''junk'' to what must be Trump's junk!  Barry must be very insecure.

I'm not sure why he would do that so publicly!

Barrack has a thing about dick size. He has this story about
Joe Biiyden that he tells whenever he can. Joe has no idea
what is all means!

Donald Trump has a decent following! But it's about junk size?
Come on man, you gotta do better than that!

The Dog's Nose Knows Everything! : Humans Watching CNN?

 Know the truth and it will set you free!!! Otherwise you are doomed to suffers the catastrophic results from being brain washed even though you know better but unable to stop the cleaning procedure of your own free will.

Sad! So sad!!

On No You Don't! : ''Hell No, I Won't Go!'', Shouts Tampon Tim!!

 What exactly is the problem with tampon man? One has to wonder what his entire career was like before he had to publicly take responsibility for his own actions, and what he believed was his responsibility to the men in his unit and the army at large?

Was he a slacker for most of his career? Did he ''goldbrick'' his way throw his army career? We don't know. From what we've have seen on center stage at rallies, this guy isn't like anything we thought he was or might have been!

I do wander through why we haven't heard anything about his service record before he decided to go WOKE! Like exactly when did he go WOKE?

When exactly did Tim's ability to disappear from doing his
duty to God and country? It couldn't just have started
 a few weeks ago!!

Who IS This Guy Anyway? : Okay, Up Against The Walz, Punk!

His nick name tells us everything we need to know as to who the guy is. As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz signed an execrative order to install female Gentilella products in school's grades 4th through high schools for girls AND boys.

So, it just makes good sense to nick name him ''Tampon Tim''!  Now that nick name is part of the culture around the country.

Truly, along with his other incredible lunatic ideas for being ''woke'', complying with the worst aspects of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DEI, we find Tim to be everything that's insane.

But why are we baffled by his behavior, he's just another perfect Marxist liberated democraaat!

Tampon Tim, a lunatic for the ages! A democraaat!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Bernie Sander And Kamomala : Partners For Change!

Will the real communist stand up and proclaim victory? We know Bernis is but Kamomala has got to come out and declare her rightful place among the standard bearers leaving the also rans to fight among themselves.

Bernie and Kamomala are set to make history by joining up to bring a new and brighter day to America. Barrrack will be proud even if it's not a religious relationship.

And Here We Go!! : The Postering Is Over! Circle The Wagons!!

 The Media will demand interviews now from Kamomala to explain what and how she will build American back from the damages she did to the country over the last 4 years. No, it wasn't just Old Joe, she was the vice president and as the last person in the room, she was directly involved!

Wait, she just said she won't debate Trump on FOX but maybe on ABC? Maybe? Interviews will be determined later. ''For now, I will just jet around the country showing the little people what I will do for them if they elect me as their leader.

''I have to show them they can trust me. After all I am a woman and that means I can't be questioned as to my purpose and affiliations in the collective and organizations in the country. I'm transparent and fully vetted for my intent for this county and it's people! Forget all the lies that the Republicans have told you about my past, I'm the real deal! What you see is what you get.

''Have I ever lied to you?''

Now it's past time for ''Show and Tell''!!

The Power Behind The Throne! : Barry Looks For His Fourth Term?


Barry knew a good thing when he saw it when he picked Joe to be his running mate in 2008 and then in 2012 was for a good reason, he knew Joe was an empty suit, for all tense and purposes as a two-bit self-servicing criminal who had no ambition other then never having a real job where he would have to perform responsibly.

Joe history is one of doing whatever he wanted to do no matter how wrong and corrupt.  It was party time, train rides home and chain fights behind the bleacher with CornPop! He knew he would always be reelected from Delaware. The fix was in!! Life is good.

Being vice president for 8 years was a perfect fit, allowing Joe to direct the stealing $millions of dollars from around the world for himself and the family. Enter Hunter Biiyden!

And if that wasn't enough, Barry, Barrrack was looking to the future and understood that Joe would be the perfect puppet to extend his power into an unelected third term. A cake walk!

And now with another easy mark, another empty suit dancing to his toon, Kamomala running for president, Barrack has a chance to obtain his fourth term that he believed would cement his legacy with the completion of his religious Jihad for his famed ''Fundamental Change'' for America he promised back in 2008!

He never believed it would be this easy!

And here we go! The fix is in!? Never believe that the Marxist  
liberated democraaats will allow their last best chance to drive 
the country into a Marxist hell hole of
unprecedented proportions of poverty and pestilence!

Kamomala IS Vice President, Right? : She Can Fix It Now!

 True! No fact checking needed. She can help the natives at the store by bring her considerable influence to bear on the economic problems we all are facing in our daily lives as a result of the Biiyden's administration's incompetence and criminal active over the last 4 years.

But of course, that's asking too much of her as she struggles to understand what it means to live life without someone by her side directing her next move. 

There's no connection with the outside world and never in her life where she had to work to make ends meet or starve. She always had a Willy Brown like person to pave the way even though she had to make certain adjustments in her activities to ensure her political rise was a certainty in San Fransico and eventually in the state of California as AG.

She had to make some compromises along the way to get what she wanted.

Definitive action is not relevant to winning elections. She knows
 that deceit and deception work the best.

Her entire history is one of living in the shadow of a mentor. But
now, even the current president of The United States can't protect
her from the light of day!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Calvin And Hobbs Discuss Conspiracies! : What's Next!!??

This is just the democraaats using the weapons that they use to defend democracy! And when they have eliminated all opposition to their assault on their destruction of democracy, they stand before the cameras demanding, ''finally we know the truth about freedom and liberty!!''

A Convention Like None Other In History : Mobil Unit for Quicky Abortions!??

 If someone would have said the democraaats are going to have a mobile medical bus standing by in case someone would want or need an abortion or vasectomy while attending the gala affair, this bus will have what they need to make it happen. 

How forward looking is that in this modern day and age? These buses are everywhere!

Oh, they will be selling IUD's and other medical paraphernalia that's in demand while they enjoy the festivities provided the Marxist liberated democraaats.

Now, who would have believed this if someone told them this will be one of main attraction at the democraaat convention in Chicago? 

Free IUD's? Has something been lost in translation?
Is this the new democraaat collectives' idea of political
strategy to win hearts and minds?

This Is Who She Really Is AND Who They Are! : Then and Now!

Don't you find it interesting that there can be so many different videos and first hand quotes that explain just who she is and yet the entire democraaat cabal comes out with a totally different definition of who and what she is.

Again, history is something very hard to deny when it is so damaging and pervasive. Still, the democraaats have always relied on lying bold faced to coral their voter base into believe anything they want them to believe. 

And if the democraaat convention in Chicago over the last few nights is a harbinger of reality, the DNC convention in Chicago is proof it still works perfectly every time.

Why is this so hard for millions of citizens to understand?
And yet they believe. Are millions ready to be enslaved to
an ideology of destruction and pestilence?

Who are these people and where have they been living?
It can't be that ''Shining city on the hill!''

It's all about democracy!! Everyone has a right to be heard.
Well, not everyone!!!!

Honesty Is A Good Policy! : Explaining Your Failures, Openly! The DNC!!

 Again, watching the democraaat convention for a few minutes often and on over the night, it was what anyone without a diseased mind would have to agree these people are not well. 

When face with what they have to know is the truth, they constantly carry on with the Marxist liberated democraaat talking points that leave us with open mouths at the duplicity they have no periblem telling us all where they are in the larger scheme of things, and what they believe, where they want to go and take the rest of us with them to Nirvana.

But we, fortunately have some sense of reality, born of our access to factual events and history, which apparently they don't have even though it's there for anyone to see, continue to rave on with make believe fantasies of how great their leadership is and has been to provide the resources needed to make sure the ''middle class'' is cared for.

This would be amusing except for the fact it's Marxist socialism rit large! Communist ideology and nothing more or less. Believe we have your best interest at heart or suffer the consequences of disbelief. Trust us to deliver. Would we lie to you?

The DNC convention is a nightmare of disinformation, 
misinformation and outright lies. But thousands roar
their approval!

If history is understood at all and applied to this situation
unfolding in Chicago, it's lost on millions of willing subjects
sitting the front pews of the church Marxist socialism.

"When ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise!''

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Marxist Liberated democraaat Government : Who Are The People?

 For the Marxist communist there is no concern for what the people want or need to sustain their well being to obtain prosperity and a hope for a safe future.

But what we have now is crime in streets in nearly all of our large cites, an economy that's a disaster and our wide-open border ensures our health care and educational systems will collapse soon rather than later especially now with Ojbymma Care is gutting the medial system.

And if that isn't bad enough, our schools are under attack by lunatics with sharpen knives to castrate our infant children to ensure some kind of insanity about a 4-year-old child needs to have the freedom to be whatever and who they think they are or should be. 

And if the parents don't like that, too bad! The government will come in and take their child away and jail them for being bad parents.

Remember, always vote for more death and destruction. We really don't need prosperity or individual freedom to be happy. 

Reagan: ''Hi, we're from the government and here to help!''

Human rights as defined by Marxist liberated democraaats 
is your right to do what you are told and like it!!

What IS The Definition of Zero? : Kamomala Harris!

 After watching a few minutes every now and then just to see what these DNA mutants are up to, it become readily apparent that they exactly who and what they are. These people are not real but some kind of shadowy creatures from the swamps of hell.

Kamomala is known by the company she keeps. Joe Biiyden and Nancy Pelosi! both total losers! Zeros!

Really, they are scary and dangerous to this nation. They have no connection to the rest of the population of this country. They are a separate entity founded on self-identity and corrupt engagement in criminal activity that bodes only bad news for our future.

No wonder a large percentage of the citizens are depressed and frightened for their families and their country. It's better the 70% of the population that believes we are going in the wrong direction.

The Marist liberated communists mean to do us all harm just so they can continue to suck America's life blood out of her to benefit their own well-being and grip on the power to do so.

Kamomala's decree to end taxing tips comes directly from
Donald Trump press conference just a few weeks after he said
that is what he will do if elected.

Truly, to have this absolute audacity to pronounce her plan
end taxing on tips with' absolute clarity and straight faced
is amazingly corrupt and brain dead!!

It Might Need More Than Faith : The Pressure Release Needed Is Huge!

 When something like this is witnessed firsthand, one has to wonder if Lord is playing a joke on us or He is watching over the dog to make sure his day doesn't become compressed.

My goodness! I wonder if the warrantee on this
stole will be good after witnesses explain to 
investigators what happened and why it was so
totally demolished!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kamomala Explains Her Economic Agenda! : Maybe Her Ideology?

There's no mistaking her plans for a different America then the one we are currently living with now heading into an economic failure to deliver even modest retunes for a prosperous existence and which will be much worse. 

What we have now is failure at all levels of the economic structure and Kamomala's plan to double down on that failure with even higher spending plans causing inflation to spiral completely out of control.

She is masquerading as the perfect Marxist liberated democraaat bring strong plans for control and organization for bringing back the Ameria we all know and love. But in reality, want she wants is totally different than what our Constitution says is and are willing solutions.

Remember what she and her vice president nominee Gov. Walz have stated on many occasions, that everyone must be no better off than anyone one else, we all must be not just equal but Equitable. She will govern with diversity, equality and inclusion.

Stalin said, ''To each according to their needs and From each according to their abilities!'' Sound familiar?

Are you scared yet for our country?

Why vote for moer pain and suffering?

What Is More Scary? : A Fiction or A Non-Fiction Kamomala? Both?

 WOW, it looks like we are saved from a fate worse than 4 more years of Donald Trump! Kamomala brings a woman's touch to a nation in chaos. The headlines tell us she is someone who will take us by the hand and lead us to a land of milk and honey. It looked like we have nowhere to go but down.

Hey, I feel better already. hmmmmm

But wait a minute, what about all these other reports having a different take on her ability to govern. They say she is a far-left Marxist communist from California. What does that mean for the rest of us who just want to be left alone? Big government making all decisions for everyone?

The President of the United States, ''Come on man, that's crazy stuff. She was my vice president for - - years and - - - well, any way she liked yellow buses and stuff - - yeah, something like that.! Didn't she have something to do with our border with Augustan? - - wait, where am I today? Who are you?''

Will the real Kamomala stand up and confess!