Saturday, January 14, 2017

Trump Burns the Press Crop : Media Readies for The ''Long March''

Trump Querstions
The media has no idea what just happened.
This is interesting in that when the media wakes up to find they have been thrown under the bus, they will have no idea what just happened.

But understand this, they will continue to operate just as they always have for decades, attacking any opposition to their narrative of centralized authority.

The media narrative ; 'We are the power that decides what will happened next.'

Will they ever wake up to understand they are under attack? Not a chance. This is out of the question. They are all progressive socialist liberal democrats, and therefore mentally defective, and therefore, for the most part unable to detect or care about any opposition to their ideology. They will close ranks reading to do battle.

As a tyrant from the past once said even the longest journey begins with a single step, he then followed that up with what he called the ''Long March'' in his bid to destroy a complete society. Attacking Trump will be the ''Long March'' for main stream press.

The disease that is progressivism is a religion of power and control that does not allow for individual thought, only good soldiers ready for obedience and capitulation to the cause. All others in the real world of common sense and logic are the enemy and must be destroyed.

If you ever wondered why Trump is being attacked from so many different individuals and groups from every aspect of organized life in this country, wonder no longer.  This is just a good wake up call for those of us in the trenches as to just how deep their bench is and how lethal they truly are to freedom and liberty.

Time to wake up and stand up to this threat. There is no other option.


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