Thursday, June 01, 2023

New York City IS All About Love And Diversity : Please Visit But Don't Stay!

What is the problem with Eric Adams? Isn't it all about reaching out to one's neighbor and holding hands while singing the song of partnership and love in the community of mankind? Isn't this what a ''Sanctury City'' means but for love and coming together no matter who and what you claim to be? We love everyone!

No? Oh, I see! That was ''so last week'' stuff! Hey, we didn't really mean having to take in thousands of people from all over the world who can't even speak English. 

'Come on man, we here in New York make a lot of promises but they are just, well just some rhetorical bluster. Like, we love you but not as much as we say we do.'

New York City is all about love and accommodation? Yeah
but even we have limits!

We the people of New York City are having second
thoughts on our ''open door'' policy. We really didn't
mean a lot of it but only some of that made sense at
the time!! like our crime prevention policy!!

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