Thursday, January 19, 2023

Why Did democraaat Voters Vote Like They Did? : Do They See The Consequences!?

Thanks for everything Joe and the newly liberated Marxist socialist collective! (Formerly the democraaat party!)!!!! Our country is now a third world dumpster!

Everyone says it those dam democraaats in congress that brought so much pain and suffering to millions of good citizens. That's true of course, but the real reason why our country went from prosperity to default on every aspect of our lives is because the voters have no idea who they are and what they personal did by voting democraaats into power that destroyed our country! 

democraaat voters don't live in a real world but one that is based on a fantasy of false promises and continued ability to believe they aren't stupid and have been lied to for generations. They are stupid and easily convinced to do the biddings of their leaders; The democraaat voter is a threat to national security.

It's a disease that is in the DNA and passed from one generation to next. Few if any escape the scourge.

Ask any democraaat is what they did was good for the country
and I can just about guarantee you will called a lot of 
names you didn't even know existed! The hate for you is total!

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