Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Racists Community is Corrupt And Very Dangerous!

The most outstanding quality of the racist community, BLM and the totally fascist ANTIFA are totally corrupt and criminal. They have from the beginning been organizations that are dedicated to taking the money and running to do what is in their best interest of the leadership.

That this agenda is out in the open for all to see doesn't mean a multitude of people are still ready to open their wallets and give them even more money to bring more pain and suffering to the communities they say they support. 

In reality, they don't give a dam about anything other than themselves!! They believe if can kill and loot and burn enough of the country, the people will pay them anything to stop!

And what these criminal organocations done the the money they stole from the weak and ignorant. They said it was about helping the disadvantage minority communities to succeed. 

The reality of course is the racist leadership hasn't given back anything of worth other than lip service and burned-out livelihoods.

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