Monday, January 30, 2023

Security Defined! : Even ''Meathead'' Understands This! (Even Jimmy Carter!)

 Goodness gracious, what have we all done to Jimmy forcing him to dig deep into areas he hasn't touched since his brother Billy selling his beer brand, he was pushing Billy Beer from the desk in the Oval Office.

I remember to this day the look on Jimmy's face when he realized this was a relative of his and it was his fault for allow this to happen on his watch. Satin touched his very soul!!

So, for Jimmy being forced to recall those catastrophic events from the darkest regions of his pure heart must have been one of the most agonizing things any rigorous person must do to clear the record and his conscience!

Truly, Jimmy won't be able to rest if the world doesn't know he has confessed.

Jimmy comes clean! It had to be done!!

Just imagine what Ghislaine Maxwell knows where the list
is and has threatened to release it if the authorities don't comply
with her demands for retribution in the future!!

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