Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Marxist Liberated democraaats Hate Elon Musk : And That's The Truth Ruth!!

It's extremely important that nothing ever interferes with the narrative democraaats hold fasts to as it proves they are ''secure with the familiar''. ''We have always voted democraaat. There is no alternative. Right?''

Present to them a different possible explanation to how to make your life actually work for the better, creates tremendous stress and conflict among base voters. The democraaats know this must be avoided at all costs! 

A narrative that explains why your brain is broken must be stopped before, we as good democraaats, are asked if this is true.

Musk has too much money which allows him to live a life
free from the grip of those that demand obedience and 
capitulation. If the lesser people see this truth about the
democraaats narrative, all will be lost!
He must be stopped!!

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