Friday, January 27, 2023

Joe's democraaats Need A Pivot, Now! : China Is Not Happy!

 As time has pasted concerning the newest intersectional agenda of making sure the criminal activity of the Biiyden crime family is seen by a few people as possible, Ol' Joe trots out his newest pivot with great gusto and animated braying to his base and anyone that will believe his is actually not mentally ill.  

Aren't you glad, as a democraaat voter, you voted for a carrot to lead our country?

For the most part it has worked as all media is focused on those horrible stoves that are in nearly all homes and caused as much death as the covid hoax. Thousand have died already. The hospitals are overflowing with the dead bodies! Many died in the waiting room!! Some of the better media outlets around the country are reporting semis are hauling off the dead as fast they can be loaded!! Run!!! Hide!! The gas is here!!!!!

(The Marxist socialists now know how well the fake pandemic worked for them to destroy the American dream, so why not grab something totally insane to make the general public believe they are in great danger again. My God, as the media shows on every platform they have, it worked again!)

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