Thursday, January 26, 2023

Assault Gas Stoves Regarded As National Security threat! : Pivot Again!

 Yeah, this is just another pivot from what Ol' Joe Biiyden is doing to destroy the country and its civil society. But pay no attention to anything like that as it going to happen no matter what anyone tries to stop it from happening. To many don't see the threat. They just wait for the horror to go away!

The Marxist liberated democraaats have the formula to win elections and that will continue until elections will not be needed for the democraaats to remain in power permanently. All that's needed to make this happen is for enough simple-minded voters to believe what they hear and see from their leaders and then do what they are told.

It's not a new strategy or agenda, it's just what they have always done but need reassurance that the pain of being wrong on everything will never go away as long as the obey the rules. Believing the lie long enough soon relieves and doubt concerning your very existence.

Individuals that think independently will find the pain of perpetual ignorance subsides and releases this person to a new and better place to be. But getting use to a pain free life is just not in the cards after so many years of doing the same thing over and over again. It's not that easy to let go!

Familiarity is security!

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