Sunday, January 29, 2023

Classified Documents In Joe's Garage!? : Nuclear or Biiyden Family Secrets??

I wonder what's worse. Biiyden family secrets or the nuclear codes?

Ol' Joe and the Marxist democraaats saw the ''handwriting on the wall'' when the new congress said they will investigate and issue subpoenas to find the truth concerning how deep the corrupt is in the Biiyden family. 

The Biiydens and the FBI joined forces and ''went to the mattresses'' in historical mafia tradition when the law threatens their power. (The FBI is the modern-day mafia!?)

And of course, the FBI was more than willing to allow the Marxist activists democraaat lawyers to clean up the mess, not FBI agents, making sure any evidence concerning the Biiydens among the documents in his garage, house or headquarters that would convict the Biiydens of criminal activity are destroyed.

After all, our government is here to protect those in power if they're democraaats. All others must obey the law or go to jail!! 

The FBI will be ready and willing to make sure you go to jail but not if you are a democraaat in good standing with the party. (Remember those nasty moms and dads at school board meetings asking the horrible questions about the communists Critical Race Theory being jammed down the throats of eight-year-old!?)

Our government is the enemy of the people. Watch your back!!

It now seems most to the documents are concerned
with the money laundering schemes of Hunter and 
his other family members to get rich at the
expense of the taxpayers.

Not to worry though the Biiydens are rushing
to clean up any connection these documents
might have to convict the Biiydens of any
criminal activity.

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