Friday, July 03, 2020

Ol's Joe Living In Darkness : Basement Security From The "Orange Man"

He has to believe the polls! The polls don't lie. They are an honest portrait of what the nation is thinking about the election, right? The polls showed Hillary would win with more the 87% of the vote, some as high as 93% right up to the day before the vote!

But of course many things have changed since 2016. Now the progressive democraaats are not just angry but furious that the stupid public denied them their birthright to power! Now it's ''no more mister nice guy'', now it will be ''by any means necessary'' to win.(Not that it was any different back in '16 but now it will be not just corrupt but criminal!) Barrrack's "Organization for Action", 30,000 strong are off and running.

The elections in Venezuela or Zimbabwe will examples of truth in elections compared to what the democraaats have planned for next November.

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