Friday, July 10, 2020

Justice Roberts Then and Now : He Must Fear The Swamp!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water of Judical politics, the Chief Justice has decided to switch sides as the swamp begins to drain. What about the rule of law according to the Constitution.  How come? What changed? 

Probably nothing has changed given what Justice Roberts did with OgbjmmaCare when he deciare the mandate was a tax and so made it law. What he is doing now is just more of the same. Apparently it's who he is and always has been.

Justice Roberts is not here to help America succeed by standing firm for Constitutional law, but to secure it's eventual fundamental change into a socialist nightmare. Sadly he thinks he will escape the ravages of socialist hate if he sides with them, but history tells a different story of those that turned on their own for personal gain.

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