Saturday, July 02, 2022

Winning The Lottery! : Obvious Sign In Today's Economic Disaster!!

 Ol' Joe is in the process of destroying everything we hold dear in our lives, which includes eating meals on a regular basis!

No one living in this country can even come close to understanding how this is possible. How can a person willingly and knowingly do something on purpose to hurt the people of this great country strictly for the purpose of advancing a personal agenda and ideology?

And is exactly what Joe Biiyden and his controllers in the Marxist collective are doing. But where is the outrage? Do you think the people will vote out all of the people that did this to them?

Not a chance! 'Too many people are comfortable with voting like they always have because there is security in the familiar and the many people just the idea of having to actually make decisions based on their own intellect is out of the question.

Therefore, this November when we have the opportunity to make a huge change in the political climate by voting out all democraaats giving the Republicans to have a ''Supermajority'' in the House and Senate making it possible to override any veto that Biiyden issues on bills that are designed to save the country from disaster at the hands of Marxist democraaats.

This November it will be time to make the decision to actually fix all of the problems we face today by doing the right thing by voting out all of the problem causers, the democraaats. In leu of this, the short phrase works well here, "Choose with no regret''. 

So, if the country falls into absolute destruction and chaos, look no further then yourself if you didn't vote for a ''fixer'' but voted for the people that brought disaster.

As millions go hungry and people see you fill your car with
gas, and notice you have it full of food,
they will know what happened, either you
actually have a good job or you have a new source of income,
therefore, they will hate you for
your good fortune as the starve!!

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