Friday, July 29, 2022

Joe Biiyden Falls Into History : The Tyranny of The democraaat Strategy for Power!!

 Old Joe is proving beyond any doubt he is mentally ill and not just from dementia, he truly has the mind of a mentally ill 3-year-old and expresses the results very day for to see.

And yet, the media and his handlers, in the Marxist liberated democraaat collective (formerly the democraaat party) are in full flow to protect him and his position in our government that is totally out of control. At every level of government, people in position of power that have no idea what they are doing but are actively doing the bidding of others hiding in the shadows.

Never in our history has one man and a political institution, the democraaats, been so destructive to our civil society as to destroy what millions have sacrificed their lives to protect.

How did this happen and who is responsible for this nightmare? The democraaats are clearly doing this destruction of our country as a strategy to ''fundamentally change'' America! This not an accident, this is on purpose and with malicious intent for the people who live, work to survive and prosper.

We have known from past history, the democraaats were always pushing to take ultimate power from the people but it was never so openly done and with such speed and viciousness. 

It must have to do the coming election where they are going to lose control of government resources and the power to do whatever they wanted to do regardless of the law set down in our Constitution. Witness the ''two tired justice system'' were democraaats do as the please and Republicans are jailed for doing nothing but found guilty for just being Republicans! 

This is tyranny! Republicans are seen as the opposition to what they believe is their birth right to power and therefore must be stopped, Donald Trump, or be destroyed. Again, Donald Trump who has proven to be successful, ''Making America Great Again'' even against years of attacks against him and his family actually making America what she was always intended to be, a safe and prosperous place to live.

The democraaats know this and they hate him above all else and therefore he must be stopped by any means necessary! Their power to take control is on the line this November. They must all be voted out to save our great country from ruin. Believe this is not a game like in the old days, this destruction is really happening and is final. 

The January 6th commission today is the real ''insurrection'' taking place. It's where only the Marxist democraaats are in control of everything, including the truth which has been proven to be falsified, dominated by people who are only concerned with getting and keeping power for themselves. A total Marxist attempt to take power.

I have to say this again as it is to the point of where we are today, and I fear too many good citizens are not fully aware of the danger we face. ''When confronted by insurrection, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyzed by it!''

If the Marxist liberated democraaats win in November, truly our country will not survive to see another day of individual freedom or liberty!!

Joe Biiyden and the democraaats are mocking
the America dream as they demand we all
take a knee to the socialist tyranny of one
party rule.

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