Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Biiyden plan to Save America! : Afghanistan On Steroids!

 This is no accident; this is by design. But why would any rational person believe that having open boarders, shut down all workable energy resources and defund the police will make the country better?

Yeah, they are all democraaats and they mean what they say and do! It is for a reason and it's to drive the people into the ''new liberal world order'' that Biiyden and the other Marxist democraaats want, demand we down here in the trenches submit to the tyranny of the few elites in Washington just to survive to see another day.

Why would anyone vote democraaat ever again? Hey why did anyone ever vote democraaat? 

Why would anyone vote willingly for failure as so many did over the decades??? But they did and still do!

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