Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Imagine If You Will, Intelligent Discourse And Common Sense Wins The Day!? Not!

 Have we come this far where the ignorant and delusional run the country and we all accept it as the new norm? No wonder the population that has retained their common sense and the ability for intellectual discourse as their norm, are found to be totally stressed out.

Looking into the face of insanity and demanded what we see is true!

Imagine if you will, having to watch Joe Biiyden or his friends on television saying things that the population knew and understand to be wrong or totally unintelligent, but still expected to believe we are the problem, not those looking down on us from their collective seats of power!

And yet million believe what they know to be true
 is now false.
How many of our fellow citizens actually believe this
because they saw someone on TV say it's true?

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