Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Can Electric Cars Save Our Planet : The Jury Is Still Out!!

Pay no attention to any of this as it has no bearing on the narrative that fossil energy is making the world a place that will be our demise, our final resting place if we don't stop using it just to selfishly gain prosperity. 

And this is the main reason why the Marxist liberated democraaats are demanding fossil energy be eliminated. They want to control everyone's life and existence. As long as the general population has mobility, the democraaats have no way to take control.

The narrative is Climate Change, caused by fossil energy, and the doomsday clock has been ticking for the last 40 years but now, according to AOC, (A brilliant mind for sure!) we will witness the end of our world in the next 6 years if we don't stop using it. 

We are doomed she rages. The electric car is the answer to our survival and renewable energy sources like wind and solar. What a hoot!!

Believe, millions of good citizen believer every word!

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